Sunday, 29 March 2015

Latino Immigration

Pro-immigration: American Civil Liberties Union
The website I have chosen is for the American Civil Liberties Union (ALCU) who call themselves their 'nation's guardians of liberty'. The organisation was founded in 1920, along with the Immigrants' Rights Project. It was founded at this time because of the 'Red Scare', which meant that millions of immigrants were unlawfully and unconstitutionally detained and deported because of their political views. The group founded so that people in this situation were not alone and had support when fighting difficult legal battles. It is clear that this organisation are pro-immigration, as there is a whole section of the organisation called the Immigrants' Rights Project. They state how they believe that 'When the government has the power to deny legal rights and due process to one vulnerable group, everyone’s rights are at risk.  The ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project is dedicated to expanding and enforcing the civil liberties and civil rights of immigrants and to combating public and private discrimination against them.' The ALCU IRP have been at the forefront of almost every major legal struggle on behalf of immigrants' rights through class action lawsuits, law reform litigation, judicial rulings and legal advocacy. 

They justify their dedication towards rights for immigrants on the basis of the American Constitution and Bill of Rights, which state that the rulings of these apply to all 'persons', which is not discriminating against whether said 'persons' are citizens or illegal immigrants. The ALCU are there to make sure that immigrants, whether legal or not, have access to lawyers and courts and any legal help they need in order to fight their battles to become a citizen. They are committed to challenging any discriminatory immigration enforcement acts wherever they occur. 
One of the key articles I noticed on this website is called 'Know Your Rights: What To Do If You're Stopped By Police, Immigration Agents, or the FBI'. This article shows that the ALCU are about helping immigrants wherever possible. Regardless of their legal status, the ALCU are committed to ensuring that the constitutional rights of any person are upheld by the law enforcement agencies. 

Anti-immigration: Americans for Immigration Control Inc.

This organisation is advocating increased immigration control, however, it is not a website which is strongly anti-immigration as such. On the website homepage one of the first things you see is that the 'AIC is an American non-partisan grassroots activist organization with more than a quarter of a million members – citizens of all races, creeds, and colors'. I think that it is evident here that the AIC want to emphasise the diversity of race groups involved in this organisation, as this can be seen to show that they are not against Latino immigration in general, but are merely 'about stopping the millions of illegal aliens who sneak across our border from Mexico every year'. However, the very fact that they openly call illegal immigrants 'aliens' shows that they can't be completely tolerant of Latino immigrants, illegal or not. This is further shown by their want for legal immigration rates to be reduced as well. 

The AIC are completely against the government granting amnesty to any illegal immigrants, and are continually campaigning to try and improve the security of the US-Mexico borders to try and prevent anymore 'alien' immigrants entering the US. The websites reports on its active involvement in campaigning for secure borders and they seemingly prides themselves on the reputation they have earned in Congress for their commitment to this issue. 
This organisation released a statement which, essentially, says how unhappy they are with President Obama's executive order granting amnesty to almost one million illegal immigrants:'how can the president justify allowing these illegal immigrants to work in the United States when millions of American remain unemployed or who have stopped looking for work?” Kent said. “Obama has put partisan politics and illegal immigrants ahead of the rule of law and the American people.'

However, whilst it is evident that the AIC are very much active in the process of tightening US border control, there is not a lot on their website to show what their actual mission is. Obviously, they want to reduce immigration to a supposedly 'more manageable rate', it is not clear how they plan to go about doing this, and they also do not make it clear why they think that the work they have done and are doing will be of benefit for a majority of Americans. 

Overall, it is clear that this organisation are active in their field, but despite their supposed tolerance of legal Latino immigrants in the US, a lot of their campaigning seems to be about reducing immigration rates in general, showing that they are, perhaps, more anti-immigration than they want to appear to be.

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